/* session_start(); $_SESSION['msg1']="Password Changed Successfully !!"; if (isset($_SESSION["username"])) { $username = $_SESSION["username"]; session_write_close(); } else { // since the username is not set in session, the user is not-logged-in // he is trying to access this page unauthorized // so let's clear all session variables and redirect him to index session_unset(); session_write_close(); $url = "./index.php"; header("Location: $url"); } include ("connect.php"); $result=$con->prepare("SELECT * FROM tbl_barangay_officials"); $result->execute(); $fetch = $result->fetchall(); foreach ($fetch as $key => $row) { $official_id = $row['official_id']; $kapitan = $row['kapitan']; $kagawad1 = $row['kagawad1']; $kagawad2 = $row['kagawad2']; $kagawad3 = $row['kagawad3']; $kagawad4 = $row['kagawad4']; $kagawad5 = $row['kagawad5']; $kagawad6 = $row['kagawad6']; $kagawad7 = $row['kagawad7']; $sk = $row['sk']; $secretary = $row['secretary']; $treasurer = $row['treasurer']; } ?> All Resident Information

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